Questions & Answers
What foods can I scoop?
Scoopy has been specially designed for refilling your hanging bird feeders with wild bird seeds and blends. This versatile plastic scoop is also the perfect aid for refilling pet food and other small animal feeds, such as chicken and rabbit foods.
What end do I scoop the food from?
Refill your bird feeders or pet bowls in three easy steps. Simply dip the widest end of the scoop into an open sack of bird seed or pet food to fill. Carry with ease to your bird feeder or pet bowls. Finally, pour the contents from the narrow end of the scoop to fill.
Why is the base flat?
Scoopy features a convenient flat base that allow sit to balance unaided on any flat surface. This handy detail makes it easy to put down even when full, or to neatly store away after use.